Current Study Routine

So far I’ve set things up so my daily routine covers my primary opportunities for improvement as well as satiates my need to know what I messed up from the previous day. Daily: Bi-Weekly: After the daily routine I try to get some reps in – i.e. playing some tables. I usually aim for an…

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Finding Joy in Folding

We’re a month or so in to this surgical repair of my game and I’ve identified the zones where I’m leaking and have come up with a plan to address each of these zones. It mostly boils down to that I’m a calling station. I’m not entirely shocked that I’m calling off too light but…

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First Signs of Progress

So it’s a little over a week in to the experiment, I’ve made some changes that will start to address the red line. After checking my stats vs some benchmarks I found a few opportunities that I’ve turned in to commitments. Namely: Preflop: Postflop: There are some more but these are the main adjustments. Overall…

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We All Have To Start Somewhere…

We all have to start somewhere. This is not the beginning of my poker career but it’s perhaps the beginning of surgically addressing my leaks. After a year of private coaching I’ve come a long way in understanding the game however at this point it’s clear that there are some opportunities that I need to…

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