Just some interesting spots to look in to…

Thought this would be one of those boards that likes x/r with overpairs. Didn’t get the chance to x/r and ended up betting small for value on turn. Both of these are kinda bad ideas. Firstly, the betting frequency is low to begin with due to HJ having a much higher concentration of sets and the EV of our hand is comparitively low vs HJ. While we do still have x/r the frequency isn’t particularly high or low – it’s just standard for tight configurations like this.
Interestingly if you play the same hand vs the BTN then the flop betting frequency is much higher (48% vs 30%). While x/r frequency would be lower (12% vs 12.3%) we have a greater volume of x/r vs BTN just because we have more hands than we do vs HJ.

It’s just interesting how the strategy changes in various configurations. Not much else to say about it now.

Similar spot here. This time we have the draw. Betting frequency is very high given our relative nut, equity and EV advantage.

The interesting spot here is we’re barreling turn almost with range. Pretty much all of range except 99 and bad suited AX without flush draws.

Vs. a jam on turn we are supposed to call off with our combo, flush and OES draws but fold off our gutshots. That’s IF we use b40 – which in this case I used closer to a 2e size. With a shove vs 2e we fold off much more of our range and don’t call as many draws (we still call all combo draws).

In this case villain showed us TT for flopped set and we just have to fold our hand that we may have tripled off with so thankfully he saved us.