

Absolutely crushed by preflop all-ins and running below EV in Feb. About 6 buyins under EV.

A net balance of -6 buy-ins vs EV.
Coin Poker has entered the chat

A new site I’ve just started using. Still getting used to playing 7-handed and vs a new pool with less data to work from.
Between both sites, a few things to investigate and improve on.
1) Red line has dipped massively vs previous months
2) Was I really unlucky pre or was there more that can be done?
3) In the last week I switched to more GTO ranges vs regs and exploitative vs recs as opposed to what I was using before which was exploitative vs all. Some key differences are calling less vs 3bet and overall tightening up to account for the high rake. How has this gone? It feels smarter but is it?
Volume: Happy with 1K hands/day on average
Study: Did more drilling and less HH review than usual and noticed measurable improvement in drill results. Also did all the drills from preflop through to river which helps.
Things to work on in March
- Prepare for Korea trip in April
- More drilling from all positions SRP and 3BP, preflop through to river. Track results and spend more time on spots where results show need for improvement.
- Same or greater average volume as Feb
- 2 live games/week
- 1 recorded session/week with full review after