After what feels like months of running under EV daily I finally binked something!

Hand #1
Here’s the lucky bink:

I studied a similar flop and formation earlier today so I was somewhat sure that my flop play was decent.
We’re lacking set advantage but still have a decent portion of our range where we’re ahead of CO.

Our range x a lot on flop with our bets mainly coming from our overpairs, bad AX NFD and A5 for the wheel draw.

There’s no significant EV loss from checking our hand and the same goes for all overpairs.

After we x CO is supposed to bet often for a small size. Basically everything in CO range bets and overall frequency is 65%.
Then we get to raise a lot – over 20% freq.

Hand #2

Just a preflop war that went my way after I cold 4 bet and get shoved on.
Wasn’t sure about the calling range at 150bb.

Basically TT+ and AKs, not AKo.
Hand #3

I wasn’t sure in game if I missed value on the river. I have a hard time ranging SB flat calls. We have 84% equity and our hand is strong enough to bet for value. It’s essentially a HJ opening range minus the best hands.

Hand #4

Here I overvalued my AA on river.
It would have been better to barrel turn and x river or x turn and bet fold on river.
Facing the river raise we are better off with AK than AA but in general we should play very tight vs river xr shove.
The 31/22 should have been an indicator that he’s too wide so I should make a note that this guy is opening and calling 3bets too wide.
Against someone this wide we can barrel more frequently but we’re still indifferent between call/fold vs river x/shove.
Hand #5

Here we make a questionable river hero call vs overbet overbet.
In theory we’re indifferent but in practice I think we should follow pool reads and assume that this line is underbluffed.
Hand #6

Here we triple barrel bluffed a zero equity hand and got busted.
The solver doesn’t hate our line but when it does decide to use our hand as a bluff on turn it goes for the all in on river.

Important to note we should only take this line about 50/50 without some sort of solid read.
If anything, we don’t remove any of their calls so the only thing we have going for us is folding out some missed FD.
Hand #7

Here’s another triple barrel fail.
Again, solver doesn’t hate our line but it is by no means a mandatory triple barrel and should only be done half the time without a solid read. We only really block K9, KJ and QJ, Q9 (which would be a fold on river most of the time)