Played 44000 hands playing a mix of mostly 25 and 50NLZ with a few hours of 100NL reg tables. Ran very well in 100NL and not well in the other tables. Because I was playing various stakes throughout the month it’s hard to say exactly how many buyins under EV I ran but it’s at least 17 and probably closer to 20 if you take out the 100NL scores.
Overall I felt it was one of my best months of playing online. By best I mean I felt the most comfortable and confident and that I was playing well and am one of the better players in the pool.
Key Points:
1) Winning month, +3.2BB/100 with 5.2EVbb/100
2) Ran well below EV
3) Filmed a video with Pete Clarke, from Carrot Corner
He grilled me enough that I felt compelled to purchase his entire library of courses.
4) 3bet % is up
2025 Goals:
1) 50000 online hands per month (about 12K per week) and 2-3 live sessions (mainly weekends)
2) 3 poker trips (some mix of Manila, PP, maybe Korea and wherever else)
3) Get to at least 100NL as my regular grind by EoY. To do this properly I probably need 8-10 months of winning at 50NL but if it’s just going really well and I feel I have an edge at 100NL then I’ll just make the move even if my online bankroll isn’t quite what it is supposed to be.
4) Post 2-3 session jounals each week, and weekly and monthly updates.
January Action List:
1) Revise important lectures in CPS. Look up hands in database where I could improve my application of core concepts that are most relevant to my opportunity nodes.
2) Drill a lot of BTN v BB double barrel, 3BP OOP as PFR, 3BP IP as PFC, x/r and follow through.
3) Poker trip to Manila for 4 days.
4) 45000 hands, 50000 stretch target.