Can’t complain today. Ran above EV with one really nice spike that helped saved some of my bad play that happened during the session.
First things first, I made a note to check on flop betting frequencies and call frequencies for SB vs BB flop bet.

BB has a higher frequency than I expected. SB continue frequency is about what I expected, around 73%.

This was the spot in question with Kd5d, I wondered if we’re supposed to call with an overcard and BDFD. We’re not.

Interestingly underpairs even with a heart fold, I guess due to poor improvability and inability to face future barrels.
Hand #1

CO can r40 this board. Our hand already becomes indifferent but mostly calls, small freq raise and small freq fold.
I must not have been paying attention well at the time because I now see that the river bet was quite small. Vs someone who is 21/13 it’s probably a thin value bet but if we give him a bit of a thin value range we’re supposed to call or raise with our 66.

If we take away that b33 option CO is supposed to use b67 or all in as bet sizings and vs b67 we’re indifferent with a slighly +EV call.
This is IF they are finding bets with AK, AT, KT, A9s, K9s, A5s and TT. If we don’t give him credit for finding these then it becomes a -EV call.
Hand #2

Here’s one where we fail our bluff catching obligation.

Here we should be calling with 100% of our front door draws and even calling down on brick turns and if we hit a pair on river we mostly call if they have hands like Ac5c in range.
Hand #3

I wasn’t sure if I should be raising flop and then later if I should be bluffing river. Calling has similar EV to raising but solver chooses to pure raise our hand. If I force it to split between raise and call then our hand becomes a mostly check on river but sometimes shove all in. The reason we get to use such a large sizing is because BTN is supposed to pure bet overpairs and AJ on turn and if he doesn’t then AJ becomes basically 100% equity so we pick our hands around that region as bluffs.
Hand #4

Here I think I make a disciplined fold. We don’t beat any value that he might have.

So we would have to give him hands like A5s that aren’t flushes for our hand to bluff catch.

I have this guy tagged as a nit so I don’t give him any of these. More likely he had a boat and was hoping to get called by a flush or trips.
Hand #5

Here I think I made a disciplined fold on river vs this bet sizing. We do block KJ but it would be better to have Q7 here rather than J7.

Hand #6

Here we have a completely indifferent bluff catcher.

I currently have this guy tagged as a fish but at 20/17 and pulling this turn shove I think I need to change him to a nit.
A large portion of our range plays this as a bluff catcher.
On flop I thought our hand would mix between bet and check, maybe even with some x/r. I wasn’t wrong except not much x/r happening with our hand or even our range in general – mainly AK, A9, 98.
Even if I give him more of a value dense shoving range on turn our hand is a pure call. We’re supposed to call any pair + FD.

Now that we know he’s probably leading too often we can raise more liberally.

Overall a bit better on bluff catching today. Still plenty of work to do to fully understand blockers and interference.