Was actually running above EV for 2 days in a row until a pretty ridiculous runout which I will get to.
Today in my training I looked at XR follow through on various textures so I’ll check out some hands with XR in my review today as well as just some of the more interesting spots and big hands.
Hand #1

First of two pots that we pay off this stain playing 35/19 and doing some silly stuff preflop with massive hands. Not much to say, just a preflop war that we end up getting sucked out on and this is the hand that knocked me under EV for the session.
Hand #2

Same villain, basically another preflop war that he plays sneaky and we lose on. The money was going in either way so again not much to say other than GG to this guy who’s sneaky stuff that didn’t need to be sneaky just ended up working out for him.
Hand #3

More preflop sneakiness that I pay off. In theory land we have some cold calls with the range below here but I’m not a fan of playing cold calls.

Vs the shove for 75bb we’re basically indifferent with TT and JJ+ and AK call pure.

Hand #4

Here we should be mainly checking. I thought because of our AK advantage that it would be a board that we often bet on. The global frequencies in this formation are we’re checking 70% of all boards and mostly b20 boards that we do bet – which happen to be a lot of the 3 broadway boards that aren’t this one, I guess because the theoretical flatting range has a lot of suited broaways that won’t be folding vs a small bet anyway.
I like my follow through and sizing on turn with this turn card.
On river I’m thinking my block is a bit of block and a bit of thin value against his single paired hands and the fold after MP raise is fine in theory and definitely in game where pool is not raising river with enough bluffs.
Enough of the preflop nonsense…
Hand #5

This one I ran pretty well hitting top set on the flop. We have a small raising range of about 7% but okay to slowplay top set. Interesting shove with 8d7d.
Good turn for our hand, villain picks up a lot of strong made hands and a value shove is in order because we can get called by good AX and draws like this one.
Some good bluffs to do this with are 8c7c, Td9d, 54s. Other value would be sets and 2pair.
In theory his hand is a pure fold but easy to understand why he went with it given the number of nutted outs and implied odds.
Hand #6

Cold 4b pot where we do the thing. On turn I’m thinking I must be behind but I do the thing and it works.
Struggling to think what his range might be that calls pre, calls flop and folds turn. I guess TT or 99 and probably not much else.

Hand #7

Interesting one where we hit our nut flush on turn and I’m not really sure on river if we should be lead shoving or hoping he overvalues a hand like KcJc or bluffs off a hand like AcKc.
The study theme of today was x/r but I didn’t look at 3bp spots. We’re indifferent on flop here. For whatever reason I chose to play it as a call – hoping to get value later on from AQ if I hit my flush.
On turn we have the same decision again and I choose to call.
On river it’s better to either block to induce or just shove. In this case he would’ve just folded but to get value from all the other hands I mentioned we have to bet because they can call check back.
Also ATo WTF…
X/R Review…
So how did we do on our x/r hands…

The KK v AA hand destroyed the total for the day. The more interesting spots are Q9o and KQo so let’s look at those…
Hand #8

Before checking back on flop I was thinking I would call vs a large size and raise vs a small size.

With a club we’re indifferent between call and raise. I’m working on the x/r follow through line so good opportunity to play it as a raise.
So here we have something between a high and low EV bluff raise and a brick turn. With high EV bluffs on this texture our split is b75/x and giving up on low EV bluffs. Since this is kinda in the middle I go with a check which is appropriate.

I didn’t consider it at the time – I thought this combo would just pure give up – but it likes to follow through representing a flush draw complete.

This makes KX hands indifferent.
Hand #9

Here, in my head, I have a thick value hand that goes down in class with the flush draw completing and that villain has called AND that the turn is an ace.
Because the turn card shifts equities and EV dramatically we simplify to r33 and I’m a bit lost on river. Are we value betting trips on this board where we’ve been downgraded? Our equity is now 48% but we block a fair amount of value.

Our hand splits between the overbet and check with a tiny fraction of block. In this pool we’re probably not gettin gcalled by KJo so the only hand that we’re better than that actually calls would be QT, so I like this better as a check and call.